NEW ADDRESS: As of Wednesday March 15th 2023 the office has been relocated to 110 Westside Drive around the corner and one block north of the old building. We are located in the the first property on the west of Kerr Street on the south side of the road, beside the municipal parking lot. The old building is slated for development this spring and I was asked to vacate by the developers.

Family Chiropractic Care

An initial visit to the office consists of a consultation with Dr. Fleet to see if chiropractic care is what you are looking for.
If it is then a full examination and scan consisting of computerized Surface *Electromyogram and *Thermography is performed. X-rays may also be ordered at the conclusion of the first visit.
The second visit consists of a full Report of Findings where the doctor will discuss the results of your examination and scans with you, and recommend a course of care to help you improve your health. At this time you will also be given your first adjustment and insight on what you can expect from your care.
*Surface Electromyogram- A device that measures the amount of electrical activity in the muscles along side the spine. Muscles that have higher energy readings are tighter and not able to relax the way they should.
*Thermography- An infrared camera is used to take heat reading along the sides of the spine to measure heat differences vs. the other side of the spine. This helps determine how much stress your body and internal organs are under.
    Harbourview Family Chiropractic
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